Series results are for a predefined set number of weeks racing (the series of races)...
Spring Series normally runs for 8 weeks, starting on the first Tuesday in May.
Summer Series normally runs for 10 weeks, starting the first Tuesday following the completion of the Spring Series, unless this ends up being during the week in which July 4th falls, or a designated "no-race" week. Normally the week in which July 4th falls is a "no-race" week.
The number and designation of the individual fleets that will be scored for each Series is determined by a vote by the fleet members at the Spring Kick-Off meeting (usually in April each year). Normally there are fewer boats racing during the Spring Series, so usually a single fleet (Portsmouth Fleet) is raced. The Portsmouth fleet can contain almost any catamaran, as long as there is a corresponding Portsmouth Handicap number established for the boat design. Portsmouth Handicaps can be viewed at US Sailing - Portsmouth Yardstick. Normally, during the Summer Series, with more boats racing consistently each week, additional fleets may be scored (i.e. Portsmouth Fleet, Hobie 16A Fleet, Hobie 16B Fleet).
Results are normally given out at the after-sailing location (see News & Events for latest updates on results locations), immediately after racing is completed each week. The results are normally posted to this website for review by the following day. |
Select one of the Series Results|Sub-Menu choices to view a particular Series Results. |
This Page Last Updated: 4/5/2010 |