Tag Archives: Trophy Presentations

ALCA Year End Banquet Reminder

WHAT: I am writing to communicate year end party/awards details as well as talk about officer nominations for the 2023 sailing season, season point trophy presentation as well as other awards. 

2023 officer selection see attached bylaws for officer descriptions. ALCA-Bylaws-2016_1-April-1.doc (live.com)

REMEMBER Organizations like ours can only exist with the dedication and sacrifice of our various volunteers and officers. Step in if you can or ask one of the existing officers if you want some first-hand knowledge about what it entails.  

WHEN:  Saturday November 5th at 5 PM. Appetizers from 5-6. Dinner order at 6. Awards around 7. Fire and desert afterwards at Kathy and Daves’s house (Long Lake). 

WHERE:  Travelers Pub 5225 Portage Rd, Portage, MI 49002  https://g.page/travelerscafeandpub?share     Then, Kathy and Dave’s House.  

Please RSVP on Facebook or via email

Fair Winds Walter (Wall-E) Elsner ALCA Fleet 519 Secretary  CRAM H-16 Fleet Captain