Welcome to week 4!
Well here’s August, weather for Tuesday night looks to be in the mid 80s and sunny, wind looks to be light around 5-13 MPH and out of the South ish. However, that may change between now and then. Stay tuned here and on Facebook for any cancellations. I’m hoping for the forecast to build!!! so do your wind dance! Win Larsen will be providing committee boat and serving as RC this week. Thanks in advance guys we couldn’t do what we do without people volunteering their time and boats!
After sailing (or in the event of a cancellation) we will be meeting at Jac’s Cekola’s Portage https://jacscekolaspizza.com/ I would encourage people with boats to park either in the back or to the north (by Habitat or Colonial Kitchen)
7640 S Westnedge Ave, Portage, MI 49002
2022 Hobie 16 North American Championships are coming up! September 11-16 This will be a high profile HOBIE event right in our own backyard! normally you would need to travel 10+ hours for an event of this caliper! Hobie 16 North American Championship 2022 – International Hobie Class Association
IF any of you have questions about the event please reach out!!! —
Fair Winds Walter (Wall-E) Elsner ALCA Fleet 519 Secretary CRAM H-16 Fleet Captain