Dave Stiemsma competed in the 2015 Hobie North American 17 Championships June 8-12, 2015 in Clear Lake, Iowa. Out of 24 boats, Dave had (2) 2nd place, (2) 3rd place, (1) 4th place and (1) 5th place finish out of 19 total races, to end up 7th overall! Congratulation Dave, you did our fleet proud.
Week 7 Spring Series (6/16/15)
Three major items on the agenda for this week’s e-mail:
- You all should have received another invite for the committee boat sign-up page. We have been fortunate to have Dave D, Steve C. and Jeff D. provide a pontoon boat for the Spring Series, thanks guys! However, we only have a single 2 week slot signed up for summer, and that’s by Dave S. in August (thanks Dave!). WE NEED BOATS FOR JULY, or we will not be able to start the summer series! You can forward your invite to anyone else you may think is interested – including non-fleet members who live on the lake.
- After sailing results this week is at the Taproom at the Airway Fun Center at 5626 Portage Rd. Portage, MI (see map below for trailer parking areas). Next week and July 7th we go back to Brewster’s. I think everyone enjoyed Brewster’s last week – I really appreciated their huge menu selection! We will try to secure more Tuesday’s at Brewster’s if everyone likes it, but there is another group who has the room on alternate weeks, and we may need an alternate site. The parking situation at Latitude 42 remains an issue, since even at 8 :45 pm on a Tuesday night, the parking lot is packed!
- 2015 ALCA Pontoon Boat Party: We have a volunteer host location for the post float dinner, for July 18th or July 19th. (Thanks Jim and Kathy Kuk!). During announcements this Tuesday, we will vote on these dates. If anyone cannot attend either the July 18th or 19th (but would if it were on a different date) please let us know!
Week 6 Spring Series (6/9/15)
ALCA Partnering with Med-Mates for 6/28/15 Event
Fleet member Steve Weatherford is organizing another sailing promotion event with the local MedMates (which is an organization for ALL resident physicians and medical students, their spouses/significant others and their families) organization. We did this with the group 2 years ago, and with the beautiful weather and moderate winds, both sailors and MedMates had a great time. The event is scheduled for Sunday, June 28th. Steve is asking for 3-4 skippers to volunteer themselves and their boat to take MedMate members for short sailing runs. Expected time is from 11 AM to 2 PM. Contact Steve Weatherford.
Week 5 Spring Series (6/2/15)
We’re at week 5 and just coming off a great regatta at our home lake, we got several races in despite the rainy weather on Saturday with no wind and despite the chilly early spring temps on Sunday and strong winds. Nice job Cesar, Jesse, Win, Dave, and everyone else!
Tuesday looks like a very pleasant sunny day, with light east wind, 5-10 mph. We have a considerable amount of food left over (Lori, Margaret and Julie were the food guru’s) and would like to share it with everyone. We are meeting at Jeff Daane’s after or instead of racing. His address is 9918 East Shore Dr., Portage, 49002 (for those who want to enter it into your nav. apps). THE KEG IS DEAD……SO BYOB! Jeff said he doesn’t remember ever seeing a keg so empty!
Austin Lake Regatta Update
Week 4 Spring Series (5/26/15) CANCELLED
Once again, we cancelled racing for the night due to inclement weather conditions. We WILL be going to Burger Town Grille this week however, around 7 PM. For the following weeks, we are planning to go to Brewster’s. Stay tuned!
Week 3 Spring Series Races Cancelled
Races for Tuesday, May 19, 2015 have been cancelled due to cold temperature and moderately high wind conditions. Sailors will still be meeting at Burger Town Grille at 7 PM. Still to be resolved… a committee boat to use for weekly races.
Austin Lake Regatta Update
For the regatta dinner, if you are attending, we are asking fleet members to bring a dessert. Other dishes are provided for by the fleet.
Week 3 Spring Series (5/19/15)
Tuesday is here, and unfortunately, so is the cold front. At 6pm, the weather forecast is for 53 degrees and NW winds 10-20 mph with higher gusts. OK. As usual for this month, we are gathering at Burger Towne after sailing and earlier, around 7 if we don’t race.