Summer Series Week 2 (7/14/15)

Tomorrow is Week 2 of Summer series already! Forecast for tomorrow’s sailing time is partly cloudy, 76 degrees with a 20% chance of rain and NW winds around 13 mph, decreasing into the evening. After sailing we go to Brewster’s for results.

Also, if you haven’t already, please RSVP for the float party that is coming up this next Sunday, July 19th. For those who do not live on the lake, we’ll need to arrange a boat for you to go out on, unless you have your own watercraft, of course.

Updated Links

The Other Links page has been updated to show who our 2015 Austin Lake Regatta sponsors were.  Please show your appreciation for the nice door prizes and other items that were donated by this year’s sponsors by ordering from them.

Also added is a link to RaceQs, which is free performance and evaluation software for your cell phone, that allows you to analyze your sailing performance for a given race.  Pretty slick program (…and free)!

No Committee Boat = No Racing!

You all should have received another invite for the committee boat sign-up pageNOTE:  This is NOT to work the committee boat, but rather than to PROVIDE a Committee Boat!  We have been fortunate to have Dave D, Steve C. and Jeff D. provide a pontoon boat for the Spring Series, thanks guys!  However, we only have a single 2 week slot signed up for summer, and that’s by Dave S. in August (thanks Dave!). WE NEED BOATS FOR JULY, or we will not be able to start the summer series!  You can forward your invite to anyone else you may think is interested – including non-fleet members who live on the lake.

This sign up is protected by an access code.  When prompted, enter the code “2015 ALCA” for access.  There is a space between “2015” and “ALCA”.  Each time slot is for 2 consecutive weeks.

To sign up, go to:

Summer Series Week 1 (7/7/15)

Tomorrow is the first day of the Summer Series of racing. Remember, we are splitting between A and B Portsmouth fleets; all of you were supposed to designate which fleet you preferred, when you turned in your membership forms for 2015.  If you are not sure, we can work it all out tomorrow or sometime very soon. There still will be a single start for each race.
By next week, we can send out updated fleet rosters so that everyone knows who they will be scored with.  Still, ALL RULES APPLY when boats meet, regardless if you are in separate fleets!
The weather looks decent, cooling off and winds at 10 mph out of the North.  The rain should clear by late afternoon, so it looks promising.  Jim and Kathy Kuk are providing the pontoon boat for race committee these next two weeks.  We’re still looking for more, so please consider helping out!

For the entire month of July, we are gathering at Brewster’s on Portage Rd for results. Hope to see you there!

No Racing This Week (6/30/15)

Just a reminder that there is no racing tomorrow (6/30/15), as it is the week between Spring and Summer Series. I did reserve a table at Latitude 42 at 7 pm for 12-14 and there are around 8 pf us going, so still room for a few more if anyone would like to join us. Otherwise, have a very safe and Happy 4th of July and see you on July 7th!

Week Between Spring & Summer Series

Hi, Me again!

We have a week with no racing between the Spring and Summer series (June 30th) , and were wondering if there was an interest in getting together at Latitude 42.  Depending on the number, we could reserve a large table.  If there’s a huge response, we could try to get the room where we had the year-end party.  We’d need to know relatively soon since it’s coming up fast.  Let us know as soon as you can, so we could make some plans.
See many of you tomorrow!