Spring Series 2016 Begins Tuesday, May 3!
The first scheduled racing for the Spring Series for 2016 is Tuesday, May 3rd. Starting sequence will begin at 6:30 PM.
We will be meeting for results afterwards at Brewster’s on Portage Road once again.
Don’t forget your membership fees are due NOW! You won’t be scored if you’re not a current member. You can pay ALCA Treasurer Faith Akert at Brewster’s Tuesday night.
Watch here for updates on possible weather related delay or cancellation for Tuesday’s racing.
Important Information from the 4/2/16 Fleet Meeting
- The new by-laws were voted on unanimously by all members who voted, representing >50% of the fleet membership. A big thanks to all who took time to go to the meeting as well as those who voted.
- These by-laws allowed for a PRO (Principal Race Officer) who will lead a team of weekly race chairmen. Thank you Jerry Mohney for volunteering to be ALCA’s first PRO and coming up with this plan! The PRO is a newly added Fleet Officer, per the revised fleet by-laws. Jerry will be managing three sign up sheets for the racing season:
- Pontoon boats used for weekly races (typically, the owner/driver will be scored Help points for their time and volunteering their boat). This person may be the weekly Race Chairman, but not necessarily.
- Weekly race chairmen (who doesn’t have to be the pontoon boat owner, who will be making the on-the-water calls for the night), who will also be scored Help points.
- Committee boat volunteers. Depending on the amount of help on the boat already available, this person may not be scored Help points. Jerry will be the arbiter of this and you should know going onto the boat whether you are eligible for Help points or not.
We are pretty much set for the first month of the Spring Series. You can refer to your new by-laws that had been sent out a few weeks ago for more details on the different responsibilities of the PRO and weekly race chairmen. We ask all members help keep the races running – either by assisting on committee boat or by being a weekly race chair. With this current system, you DON’T have to live on the lake or be a pontoon boat owner. If everyone does a stint, then no one person needs to take all the responsibility for the season.
- Spring Series: Tuesday May 3rd to June 21st
Summer Series: June 28th to Sept 6th No racing on July 5th. - For BOTH Spring and Summer, we will be racing Portsmouth A and Portsmouth B, with one start. The start sequence for the first race each Tuesday is scheduled to start at 6:30 pm.
- We will be going to Brewster’s on Portage Rd for the year – unless notified otherwise. Thank you Win for taking care of this!
- We will set the dates for the Pontoon Float Party as well as the Year – End Party during the season. Stay tuned!
- There may be a regatta in St. Joe in September – Cesar Santana and Jesse Ward will be forming a committee of fleet members to explore this option.
- Lastly, the Saturday before the season starts, April 30th, is not going to work for a boat tuning day. This has been rescheduled for May 7th, at 11 AM at the Austin Lake Public Access. More info on this to follow.
Important Fleet Meeting Sat. April 2, 2016
ALCA Fleet #519 Spring Kick-off Meeting and Hobie Stone Soup Gathering
2016 ALCA Fleet Meeting – Save This Date
We will be having our first fleet meeting of the 2016 season on Saturday, April 2, 2016. The meeting will be at Faith & Ken Akert’s house. Of HIGH importance for this meeting is to discuss and adopt the procedure that will be used to run races this year, since we had NO ONE step up and agree to be the Race Chairman for the year. The officers had a meeting and with input from other past fleet officers have come up with some ideas for this year. It’s important that EVERYONE be in attendance when we set the direction for the fleet for the upcoming racing seasons.
Specific details of time and what the fleet may be furnishing for the meeting will posted once the party committee has convened.
100+ Additional Pictures Added to 7/28/15 Photo Gallery
Going thru pictures recently, I found that I had not uploaded all the pictures taken from the 7/28/15 Tuesday night racing. Those pictures have been added to the 7/28/15 gallery of photos. Many are VERY similar to ones already posted, but others are new posts of pictures that have been straightened (horizon line) and color corrected.
2015 ALCA Year End Banquet Wrapup
Thanks to the ALCA Party Committee (Julie Lenczycki, Lori Mohney, Margaret Larse, & Kathy Rubino) who organized the Year End Banquet at Fieldstone Grill. The venue was nice and relaxing and the food was great.
Thanks to Win & Margaret Larsen for hosting the Pre (and Post) Banquet Party at their house, and putting out a spread that was fabulous!
Congratulations to our Most Improved New & Experienced Skippers for 2015:
Chad VanderKlok – Most Improved New Skipper 2015
Doug Brown – Most Improved Seasoned Skipper 2015
Thanks to our outgoing 2015 ALCA fleet officers:
Win Larsen – Fleet Commodore
Dave Dunlap – Fleet Vice Commodore
Jerry Mohney – Race Chairman
Your individual contributions to the fleet this past year are much appreciated.
Thank you to the following fleet officers for their work and contributions in 2015 and for agreeing to serve another year in their continuing fleet positions:
Kathy Rubino – Fleet Secretary
Faith Akert – Fleet Treasurer
Andy Lenczycki – Fleet Statistician & Webmaster
STILL NEEDED for the 2016 sailing season, is the Fleet Race Chairman, who is responsible for setting the course each race night and determining when the races will be cancelled due to unfavorable or unsafe weather conditions.
Finally, congratulations to our two new incoming ALCA fleet officers:
Cesar Santana – Fleet Commodore
Jesse Ward – Fleet Vice-Commodore
We look forward to your stewardship and leadership in the upcoming year.
Final Results for 2015 Sailing Series All Posted
The Final Results of the Spring Portsmouth, Summer A Portsmouth and Summer B Portsmouth series racing is now posted on the Results page.
Based on the number of sailors in the “core fleets” (sailors that sailed at least 60% of the actual races raced in the series) for each fleet, and going at LEAST 50% deep into a core fleet, year end trophies will be awarded as follows:
Spring Portsmouth Fleet: 10 Races raced, 10 races x 60% = 6 races (sailors who raced at least 6 races in the Spring series are part of the “core fleet”), 19 Sailors in core fleet, 19 sailors x 50% = trophies awarded to 10th place.
Summer Portsmouth B Fleet: 17 Races raced, 17 races x 60% = 10 races (sailors who raced at least 10 races in the Summer series are part of the “core fleet”), 8 Sailors in core fleet, 8 sailors x 50% = trophies awarded to 4th place.
Summer Portsmouth A Fleet: 17 Races raced, 17 races x 60% = 10 races (sailors who raced at least 10 races in the Summer series are part of the “core fleet”), 12 Sailors in core fleet, 12 sailors x 50% = trophies awarded to 6th place.
Awards for the Most Improved New and Seasoned Skipper will be awarded at the year end banquet on Saturday, October 3, 2015.
Sailors that didn’t qualify for one of the above trophies are eligible for a participation brass plate to add to their trophy base, if they sailed at least 50% of the actual races for the ENTIRE YEAR. The cost of the brass plate is $5.00. If you are eligible for the participation brass plate and don’t yet have a trophy base, you will be provided with one free of charge.
All fleet members that are eligible for one (or more trophies) or a participation plate, will be contacted via email by Andy Lenczycki during the week of September 21, 2015 to get any specific information required for your individual brass plate. If I haven’t gotten a response back by Friday, September 25, you may not get a plate (or it may not display the full/correct data).
2015 ALCA Year End Banquet
The Party Committee has been busy finalizing details for the 2015 ALCA Year End Banquet, to be held at Fieldstone Grill in Portage, on Saturday, October 3, 2015. See the flyer below for all the details. Don’t miss the Pre-Party at Win and Margaret Larsen’s house!
Below is the menu for the Banquet at Fieldstone Grill
Summer Series Week 10 (9/8/15)
This is our last scheduled week of racing for the year! My apologies for this late communication – hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend and first weekend of college football – I know I sure did! Tonight’s weather is pretty iffy, with a 60% chance of thunderstorms and SSW winds at 9 mph at 6 pm – so stay tuned. It might turn out to be nice if there’s a break in the wave of storms. If we are cancelled, we still will gather at Brewster’s, so plan to come out anyway – I will call ahead to reserve “our spot” for us.