Summer Series Week #5 – August 6, 2024


Before I get into tomorrow’s specifics, I wanted to mention a few things about our volunteer RC, helpers and pontoon boat owners:  THANK YOU VERY MUCH for putting in the time and offering your pontoons to run the races this year!  Your efforts and dedication are very much appreciated!  However, as we head into the last month of sailing, we have no one signed up for summer series Weeks 7 and 8 (August 20th and 27th).  If we don’t have an RC with a pontoon boat, we will cancel the last 2 weeks of racing, which means we will only have 2 weeks of sailing remaining.   Below is the link in Google Docs – all you have to do is click on it and fill in your name.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Of course, it’s always easiest if a member on the lake who owns a pontoon signs up for this. Committee Boat Signup.

Tuesday we have a brand new RC:  Commodore Walter Elsner is RC and John Koryto is pontoon boat captain.  The weather doesn’t look so good, but as we know, things do change.  Right now, it’s looking like a decent chance of rain/thunder, with highs of 68 degrees F, and NE winds of 10-15 mph.  SailFlow is predicting 18 mph winds gusting to 30 mph with rain.  If this rings true, and races are held, please consider your comfort level with these winds, as we have no chase boat.  Any cancellations will be posted on FaceBook and via email.  We go to Jac’s after sailing for results, and if we are cancelled, I believe we may still go to Jac’s as it doesn’t seem they have any music scheduled for tomorrow night.  

Again, any questions about the RC link, please contact me.

Kathy – ALCA Secretary