Summer Series Week #3, July 23, 2024

Hi Everyone!

Tuesday is the 3rd week of the summer racing series – and we are looking at partly cloudy skies with temps in the mid 80s and SW winds around 8 mph.  There is a 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms.  Steve Chapman is our Race Chair – remember to check in at committee boat when you get out onto the water!  After sailing we will go to Jac’s.  If we are cancelled, we will go somewhere TBD, we will let you know via email or on Facebook.  

Kirk Bartling, a new skipper, is looking for an experienced skipper to race with him;  if interested, contact Kirk at if you’d like to help him out.

Also, many of you receiving this email have not sailed or joined the fleet this year.  If you would like to still receive emails let me know by replying to this email.  Otherwise this is your last email, particularly if you’re not a fleet member.  

That’s all for now!

Kathy Rubino – ALCA Secretary