Spring Series Week #4 – June 7, 2022

Well even though today may be rainy and gross out Tuesday night is looking pretty good as far as the weather gurus can predict anyway…  Looking like High 60s sunny Winds  NW 11-12 MPH Gusting 15-16 mph Should make for a pretty good night out there!
Julie Lenczycki is Race Chair on their pontoon, Thanks in advance Julie! 
As always remember to check in with RC before racing and inform them of any crew changes. 
If you have not yet registered please get with Faith or one of the other officers. 
After sailing (or in the event of a cancellation) we will be meeting at Jac’s Cekola’s Portage  https://jacscekolaspizza.com/ I would encourage people with boats to park either in the back or to the north (by Habitat or Colonial Kitchen) 7640 S Westnedge Ave, Portage, MI 49002 https://goo.gl/maps/Fe9YfKVtfKPeeiKJA

Fair Winds
Walter (Wall-E) Elsner ALCA Fleet 519 Secretary  CRAM H-16 Fleet Captain