The following actions should be adopted to allow safe sail competition among individuals while minimizing exposure risks to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease. As you may or may not know, this virus can be spread by pre-symptomatic as well as asymptomatic individuals causing a wide range of disease, from no disease and very mild symptoms to severe respiratory illness. It is hoped that these practices will not only be informative but also alert boundaries that some sailors need to respect so we can all participate safely. We do not want to become infected with this coronavirus and pass it on to compromised individuals! In General:
Symptoms that may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea. Please refer to the CDC website for a continuously updated list as more is learned about COVID-19. If anyone is experiencing these symptoms, please do not participate in any land or water activities, stay home and continue to monitor your situation. Please alert either Kathy Rubino or Jerry Mohney if you suspect you may be infected or you have a positive result from the SARS-CoV-2 viral test and do not participate for at least 2 weeks until you know you are not infectious, even if you feel better.
If you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the virus, you must quarantine and not participate in land or water activities for 2 weeks. Continue to wear a mask as you come back to being around others as well as practice social distancing.
Solo sailing or sailing with other quarantined household members is strongly encouraged since it is impossible to maintain a 6 ft. distance between skipper and crew while racing. However, it is up to each individual to consider their own risk factors; it is advisable to wear a mask, scarf or buff when sailing with members of other households. Hand hygiene is stressed and sailors are encouraged to carry hand sanitizer for regular use before, during and after racing.
Boat to boat contact should also be considered, as aerosolized respiratory droplets carrying the virus can travel across boats, especially at the starts and mark roundings. Again, wearing a buff or a scarf would minimize transmission, especially when hailing other boats.
ALCA will not be providing help on land to new skippers this year, nor will experienced skippers be available to crew for new skippers. Please use e-mail, phone or video-chat if anyone has questions.
We are not meeting after sailing for results. Results will be posted on the website.
Other social events are suspended at this time.
If the governor decides to move our area back to the Phase 3, Flattening, in the Michigan Safe Start Plan, sailing will be cancelled until further notice.
Boat set-up Practices: to include the public boat launch, as well as a friend’s residence:
Sailors should respect 6 ft. social distancing and wear facial coverings. Give each other plenty of room to rig, which may require a staggered approach.
Transmission of the virus can occur by contact of infectious surfaces, hand hygiene is important. Hand sanitizer should be used before and after assisting others with boat set-up.
Do not congregate without practicing 6 ft. social distancing.
Individuals should provide their own refreshments and avoid sharing coolers and snacks. Do not touch others properties unless asked.
Race-Committee Practices:
We are blessed to have two former ALCA sailors, Keith and Dixie, who have volunteered to be part of our race committee – even during this pandemic. It is all of our responsibility to keep them safe! Therefore, only three people are permitted on the committee boat each week. Anyone wishing to provide their pontoon and be the Race Chair for a two week period, should contact our PRO, Jerry Mohney. If either Keith or Dixie prefers to be absent for a given week, the third person will be a member of the same quarantined household as the Race Chair or pontoon owner.
Masks will be worn at all times, and 6ft distancing should be maintained as much as possible at all times. Extra masks as well as hand sanitizer will be provided to the Race Committee by the fleet.
Surfaces of each pontoon boat should be cleaned prior to each Tuesday.
Race Committee members can bring their own beverages as desired, however there should be no food on the boat.