Happy 4th of July week!!
Thank you to everyone who responded to our email and accepted the recent By-Law revisions and that our sailing season for 2020 will begin on July 7th. The start time will be 6:30 pm with hopefully two races. We will have two fleets, Portsmouth A & Portsmouth B with one start per race. Our wonderful Race Committee will determine the time between races based on conditions.
We cannot emphasis enough to practice safe social distancing/sailing, as outlined in the emailed ALCA Safe Sailing Practices document. Our webmaster will be posting these to our ALCA website soon.
Please fill out and either mail in or drop off your racing membership to Faith prior to Tuesday so the Committee Boat and our Statistician know your sail numbers and who is crewing for you. Faith said you can put forms in her mailbox at her house if you are out sailing and want to drive by. Her address is: 9702 East Shore Drive Portage 49002.
The first two weeks of racing, look for the Mohney red tri-toon with Jerry being the Race chair and Keith & Dixie on the Committee Boat. Jerry will contact members on the lake to determine the following weeks protocols.
Be safe, be proactive, wear a mask and sail smart!
Julie Lenczycki
ALCA Secretary