Summer Series Week #4 – July 30, 2024

Hi folks!  

Hard to believe – tomorrow is Week 4 and marks the midpoint of our summer racing series!  Time flies when we’re having fun, doesn’t it!  Tomorrow’s conditions are predicted to be hot and humid, with 11 mph winds out of the west, decreasing to 5 mph by 9pm (according to SailFlow).  Steve Chapman is our RC once again, and as always – sail past the committee boat to let them know you’re there.  After sailing we go to Jac’s.


– Kathy Rubino, Fleet Secretary

Summer Series Week #3, July 23, 2024

Hi Everyone!

Tuesday is the 3rd week of the summer racing series – and we are looking at partly cloudy skies with temps in the mid 80s and SW winds around 8 mph.  There is a 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms.  Steve Chapman is our Race Chair – remember to check in at committee boat when you get out onto the water!  After sailing we will go to Jac’s.  If we are cancelled, we will go somewhere TBD, we will let you know via email or on Facebook.  

Kirk Bartling, a new skipper, is looking for an experienced skipper to race with him;  if interested, contact Kirk at if you’d like to help him out.

Also, many of you receiving this email have not sailed or joined the fleet this year.  If you would like to still receive emails let me know by replying to this email.  Otherwise this is your last email, particularly if you’re not a fleet member.  

That’s all for now!

Kathy Rubino – ALCA Secretary 

Summer Series Week #2 – July 16, 2024

Hi Fleet!

Batten down the hatches!!!!!! Once again we are looking at severe weather coming our way – scheduled for overnight into the first part of Tuesday.  Race time we are looking at winds out of the west at 11-15 mph.  Michael Kucharski is our race chair on John Hayward’s pontoon with Sydney rounding out the race committee.  After sailing we go to Jac’s.  In the event of a cancellation, stay tuned for where we are gathering.  

Year end party is tentatively scheduled for Sunday September 22nd.  We will cement the date once the venue is in place.  Also, our website is back up and running – thank you Andy!

– Kathy Rubino

ALCA Secretary 

Year End Party Date Set

Good morning!

Julie and I were talking last night about getting a year end date set, and looking at our schedules, along with CRAM’s regatta dates, we decided to pick Sunday September 22, a Sunday to make it easier for Michael K. to attend.  Also, it’s easier to book a restaurant for a late Sunday afternoon. 

Also, since last night was so painfully loud at Jac’s with the music, I’m thinking we should try a new place if we have another cancellation.  Maybe Main St Pub or Monelli’s. 

Stay dry and don’t float away!

– Kathy Rubino

ALCA Fleet 519 Secretary

Summer Series Week #1 – July 9, 2024


Who’s ready to start the summer racing series?  I am!  I am!  Let’s see what the weather gods have in store for us!  Forecast calls for temperatures in the high 70s, with SW winds at 5 mph, and a 60% chance of rain…….BOOOOOO ( but my boat IS ready!). Our Race Chair is Michael Kucharski on John Hayward’s pontoon, with Sydney completing the race team.  Remember to check in at the start finish line so the RC can mark you down on the attendance sheet!  We go to Jac’s afterwards (or instead of, if racing is cancelled).  If you don’t see marks in the lake, check your emails and Facebook for cancellation information.  

Also, our webmaster and statistician, Andy Lenczycki, has gotten the website up once more, here is the link:  

We still need a Race Chair with a pontoon boat for the last two weeks – the sign up sheet can be found here:

See you tomorrow either on the water, or at Jac’s!

– Kathy 

ALCA Secretary 

We’re Baaaaack!

After 2 months of down time for our website, it has FINALLY been restored. NOT a big fan of our website provider, After spending several hours with the JustHost support tech people several times from May 6 on, then several hours July 4, 5, 6, & 7th, the website was restored. Even the tech I was texting with today was not aware that their support team had been able to restore the site (I only found out by accident while I was online with him).

Sorry for the lapse in service – let’s get back to SAILING!